Zwick/Roell Newsletter


Time to talk about quality

Dear Mr. Phillips
Welcome to the first English edition of the Zwick Roell Newsletter. We have been asked many times to publish a newsletter and share information about our interesting applications and testing solutions, so here it is! We hope you are pleased with the result. If you would like to contribute your own story, have it distributed world-wide, and receive some free publicity, then please get in touch with the editor.

Stories in this edition:


Zwick takes catheter testing lying down

A company based in Ireland produces devices for the medical industry. A customized solution from Zwick enabled them to simulate the insertion of a catheter into the human body.


Peeling off old methods for content customers

Imagine the following situation: You feel like eating a yogurt, so you walk into the kitchen, take a container out of the fridge, open it and – the yogurt spills all over the kitchen.


Unique solution for the paper industry

A Canadian pulp and paper company saves cost, and benefits from performing seven different tests on one Zwick machine.


Harnessing Zwick technology to save lives

Falls from height are one of the most common causes of fatal injury and the second most common cause of major injury


Zwick makes hardness testing easy in India

From its humble beginnings in the late 1940’s in Chennai, formerly Madras, and as part of the British Leyland organization, Ashok Leyland began a journey which has led to global success.

Issue 1 - 2006

CEO, Dr. Jan Stefan Roell

Spotlight on key people

Our busy CEO, Dr. Jan Stefan Roell explains his vision for Zwick Roell Group.

Knowledge Base

Case 1

The difference between
ISO 527 and ASTM D638

Case 2

Taking the laboratory to the production line

2006 Events

Global events for 2006

New products!!

Impact tester for plastics



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© Zwick Roell Group Newsletter | Editor: Mr. D.T. Phillips
Zwick Roell Group, August-Nagel Str. 11, 89079 Ulm, Einsingen, Germany.

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